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Vibro wins Green Driving Awards

On 4 February, Vibro (H.K.) received commendations at the Take a “Brake” Low Carbon Action - Corporate Green Driving Award Scheme 2012, jointly organized by Friends of the Earth (HK), Green Power and WWF-Hong Kong.
Making continuous efforts in promoting eco-driving, Vibro (H.K.) won the Gold Award for Fuel Efficiency Improvement as well as the Gold Award for Fuel Consumption Saver this year.

As an integral part of its contribution to the sustainable development of society, Vibro has been encouraging its staff members to lower fuel consumption and improve fuel efficiency through green driving habits, such as encouraging car pooling, planning the best route and minimizing fuel consumption through the adoption of optimum driving speeds etc.

Mr. Ken Ho, Assistant Manager (Environmental), represents Hip Hing Construction to receive the “Highest Sustained Fuel Consumption Saver”

Ms. Yanney Leung, Senior Mechanical Engineer, reprsents Vibro (H.K.) Ltd. to receive the Gold Award for Fuel Efficiency Improvement and the Gold Award for Fuel Consumption Saver